Mansfield, Louisiana


February 4, 2021


The DeSoto Parish School Board met in regular session at the DeSoto Parish School Board Instructional Materials Center, 523 Oxford Road, Mansfield, Louisiana, on Thursday, February 4, 2021, at 6:00 p.m. with the following members present:


Dudley M. Glenn, Dr. Neil Henderson, Jeffrey Dillard, Donald B. Dufour, Alice Thomas, Coday Johnston, Dale Morvan, Mark Ross, Bobby Boyd, Rosie Mayweather, and Clay Corley, Superintendent.


            Absent: Thomas Craig, Jr.


            Item 1:  Call to order


            President Morvan called the meeting to order.  Mr. Corley and Board Members asked to please remember those with health issues, along with families who have lost loved ones.  Ms. Thomas led the invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


            Item 2:  Revisions to the agenda.


            Motion was made by Dr. Henderson, seconded by Mr. Johnston, to move Item 7 up on the agenda to be presented before Item 3.  The vote was taken and the President stated the motion carried with the following votes – Yes = 10, No = 0, Absent = 1, and Abstentions = 0.


            Item 7:  To consider and take action with respect to adopting a resolution giving preliminary approval to the issuance of Sales Tax Refunding Bonds, in one or more series, of the Parish School Board of the Parish of DeSoto, State of Louisiana; making application to the State Bond Commission for approval of said Bonds; and providing for other matters in connection therewith.


Mr. Grant Schlueter of Foley-Judell, Bond Counsel, explained to Board Members that the resolution before them simply gives preliminary approval to begin the refinancing process of existing Series 2012 sales tax bonds.  It will allow them to make application to the State Bond Commission to get permission to move forward with refinancing if the market remains favorable.  Refinancing in a favorable market can save taxpayer dollars and reduce the Board’s overall debt.  Motion was made by Dr. Henderson, seconded by Mr. Glenn, to adopt the resolution as presented. The vote was taken and the President stated the motion carried with the following votes – Yes = 10, No = 0, Absent = 1, and Abstentions = 0.


            Item 3:  Approve minutes from the regular Board meeting of January 7, 2021.


Motion was made by Mr. Boyd, seconded by Mr. Dillard, to approve the minutes of the January 7, 2021, Board meeting as presented.  The vote was taken and the President stated the motion carried with the following votes – Yes = 10, No = 0, Absent = 1, and Abstentions = 0.


Item 4:  Great News


Mrs. Roxane West, Supervisor of Special Services, gave an overview of the DOVE Program and how much the students are enjoying learning the skills involved in the production of wood duck boxes.  She shared a video of the students in action at the woodworking shop as they performed various tasks involved in production of the boxes.  There were wood duck boxes on display and Mrs. West explained they would soon be taking orders.  Mr. Corley and Board Members thanked Mrs. West for sharing the highlights of the DOVE Program with all.


            Item 5:  Report of the Budget/Finance Committee meeting held on January 21, 2021.


Motion was made by Mr. Glenn, seconded by Mr. Boyd, to approve the minutes of the January 21, 2021, Finance Committee meeting as presented.  The vote was taken and the President stated the motion carried with the following votes – Yes = 10, No = 0, Absent = 1, and Abstentions = 0. 


Motion was made by Mr. Glenn, seconded by Mr. Boyd, to approve the following action from the January 21, 2021, Budget/Finance Committee meeting:


·         Authorize Superintendent to sign Compensation Agreement with AEP (Cleco/Swepco Oxbow Lignite Company) regarding reforestation of land in Section 16 – 11N – 10W.


The vote was taken and the President stated the motion carried with the following votes – Yes = 10,    No = 0, Absent = 1, and Abstentions = 0. 


            Item 6:  Review and accept the financial and compliance audit for the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2020


            Before the presentation began, Dr. Henderson commented that he had reviewed the audit and was very pleased with the outcome.


Mrs. Ashworth introduced Mrs. Amy Tynes, Partner, of Allen, Green & Williamson, LLP.  Mrs. Tynes reviewed the independent auditors’ report for the period ended June 30, 2020.  The opinion reached by the auditors is that the financial statements referred to present fairly in all material respects the financial position of the school system.   She congratulated DeSoto Parish Schools for receiving an unmodified opinion, also called a clean opinion, which is the best opinion given.  She gave a summary of the District’s assets and liabilities, which were previously presented in detail at the January Finance & Operations meeting.  Mrs. Tynes, Superintendent Corley and Board Members commended Mrs. Ashworth and staff for their hard work in obtaining the audit results.


Motion was made by Mr. Dufour, seconded by Mr. Glenn, to accept the financial and compliance audit for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2020, as presented.  The vote was taken and the President stated the motion carried with the following votes – Yes = 10, No = 0, Absent = 1, and Abstentions = 0. 


            Item 7 was presented earlier in the meeting.


            Item 8:  Board policies for approval


            The following Board policies were presented for approval.

a.      BD – School Board Policy

b.     JD – Discipline

c.     JDD – Suspension

d.     JDE –Expulsion


Motion was made by Mr. Boyd, seconded by Ms. Thomas, to approve the policies as presented.  The vote was taken and the President stated the motion carried with the following votes – Yes = 10, No = 0, Absent = 1, and Abstentions = 0. 


Item 9:  Comments


Mr. Corley thanked the Board Members and staff for attending the Board training in addition to the Board meeting and expressed appreciation for their time and attention.


Item 13: Adjournment 


On a motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Dufour, the Board voted to adjourn at 6:27 p.m.



Dale Morvan, President                                                               Clay Corley, Secretary

DeSoto Parish School Board                                                       DeSoto Parish School Board