The DeSoto Parish School Board recognizes the importance of sound fiscal planning, as well as the technical relationship of the financial structure to achieving the School Board’s organizational mission.  Formal budgetary integration shall be employed as a management control device during the fiscal year.  In accordance with La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §17:88(C), the School Board shall submit a copy of its adopted annual operating budget to the Louisiana Superintendent of Education no later than September 30th of each year.


The adopted budget shall include the same line items as prescribed by the Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) for inclusion in the financial and statistical report and include a general summary of the adopted budget.  No initial annual operating budget or subsequent budget revision shall be approved where expenditures exceed the expected means of financing.  All budget and financial procedures of the School Board shall comply with all pertinent statutes and administrative rules and regulations.




In accordance with La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §39:1305(B), the Superintendent, as chief executive officer, shall prepare or cause to be prepared a proposed comprehensive budget for the ensuing fiscal year.  This budget document shall be presented to the DeSoto Parish School Board and shall comply with the following:



Fund Types

Operating Budget

Audited Financial Statements

Governmental Funds




General Fund

Modified Accrual

Modified Accrual


Special Revenue Funds

Modified Accrual

Modified Accrual


Debt Service Funds

Modified Accrual

Modified Accrual


Capital Projects Funds

Modified Accrual

Modified Accrual

Proprietary Funds




Internal Service Funds



Fiduciary Funds




Pension (and Other Post-Employment Benefits) Trust Funds










Projecting the amount of revenue that will be collected from various sources is one of the most important tasks of the budget process, yet it is also one of the most difficult.  Since revenue projections, like other forecasts, are almost never 100% accurate, the overall goal is to make conservative projections that underestimate, rather than overestimate, the amount of revenues that will be available.


Therefore, the Superintendent shall project each revenue separately with more time and analysis given to major, rather than minor, sources.  This revenue projection (i.e. property taxes, sales and use taxes, Minimum Foundation Program funds, etc.) shall cover at least 75% of the total revenues from all funds.  The methods used and any underlying assumptions for the estimates shall be included and discussed in the budget document.


The use of one-time revenues and unpredictable revenues shall comply with the provisions outlined in policy DCF, Long-Term Forecasting policy.


Also in accordance with La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §39:1305(C)(2), revenues should be itemized in accordance with the guidance provided by the Louisiana Department of Education.  A summary presentation for the General Fund and the Special Revenue Fund shall be presented with the budget resolution and shall include a side-by-side detailed comparison for all revenues and receipts itemized by source for:





Expenditures shall be appropriated annually to provide for the health, safety, and welfare of students.  All operating expenditures within a particular fund must be supported by the operating revenue generated by that fund and shall not expand beyond the School Board’s ability to pay for them with current revenues.


Also, budgeted expenditure shall be itemized in accordance with the guidance provided by the Louisiana Department of Education.  Additional expenditure considerations include the following:



Also, in accordance with La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §39:1305(C)(2), expenditures should be itemized in accordance with the guidance provided by the Louisiana Department of Education.  A summary presentation of the General Fund and the Special Revenue Fund shall be presented with the budget resolution and shall include a side-by-side detailed comparison of all expenditures itemized by function for:





The Superintendent is required to integrate performance measures into the budget process and to use these measures to help make budget decisions.  The process shall include a coherent statement of the district’s vision plan, which includes our mission, departmental goal and objectives that are used to support the educational environment.  Additional requirements include:





Once the initial annual operating budget is adopted by the School Board, the Superintendent or his/her designee is authorized to transfer:





The initial adopted annual operating budget and any duly authorized amendments shall form the framework from which the Superintendent or his/her designee shall monitor revenues and control expenditures.  The Superintendent shall advise the School Board in accordance with La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §39:1311, when any of the following conditions exist:





As required by La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §39:1310, when the School Board has received notification pursuant to the above section, or there has been a change in operations upon which the original adopted budged was developed, the School Board shall adopt a budget amendment in an open meeting to reflect such change.  Such amendment should be published in the official journal as described in La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §39:1307(B).




Upon completion of the initial proposed annual operating budget and its submission to the School Board, the Superintendent shall publish a notice in the newspaper stating that the initial proposed annual operating budget is available for public inspection.  The notice shall also state that a public hearing on the initial proposed annual operating budget shall be held with the date, time and place of the hearing specified in the notice.  As directed by La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §39:1307(B), the notice shall be published in the official journal of the School Board at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the first public hearing.  If the School Board has no official journal, the notice shall be published in the official journal of the parish.  The guidelines following public involvement shall apply as follows:



Retention of Budget Records


The Superintendent or his/her designee shall retain and file certified copies of the adopted initial annual operating budget, the initial budget adoption resolution, any duly authorized budget revisions or amendments, and other necessary information related to the budget as directed by La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§39:1309(D) and 39:1313.




The Superintendent or his/her designee shall assign various budgetary areas to members of the administrative staff.  Each staff member who is assigned a budget area shall recommend what items are placed in his/her area of the budget, and shall also be held responsible for seeing that expenditures in those areas stay within budget boundaries.  Should any administrative staff member encounter problems in any budget area after the budget has been adopted by the DeSoto Parish School Board, the Superintendent or his/her designee shall be promptly notified in order that adjustments might be made according to School Board policy.


Approved:  August, 2003 Revised:  March 6, 2014
Revised:  December 4, 2008 Revised:  October 13, 2022



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§17:88, 17:89, 39:1301, 39:1302, 39:1303, 39:1304, 39:1305, 39:1306, 39:1307, 39:1308, 39:1309, 39:1310, 39:1311, 39:1312, 39:1313, 39:1314

Board minutes, 11-3-88, 4-1-99, 1-3-02, 12-4-08, 4-6-14, 10-13-22


DeSoto Parish School Board