It is the policy of the DeSoto Parish School Board to abide by the provisions of the Copyright Law of the United States and the Congressional Guidelines that delineate it.


The School Board does not sanction illegal use or duplication of copyrighted materials in any form.  Employees who willfully violate the copyright position of the School Board do so at their own risk and assume all liability and responsibility.


The School Board directs that:


  1. Unlawful copies of copyrighted materials may not be produced on School Board-owned equipment or within School Board-owned facilities.

  2. Unlawful copies of copyrighted materials may not be used with School Board-owned equipment, within School Board-owned facilities, or at School Board-sponsored functions.

  3. Information about copyright law and guidelines shall be made available to all employees.


The School Board delegates to the building level administrator the responsibility for informing employees of the Copyright Policy of the School Board and of provisions of the United States Copyright Law.


Approved:  November, 2003

Recoded from EFB:  August 2, 2018



Ref:    17 USC 101-810 (Copyrights)

Board minutes, 8-2-18


DeSoto Parish School Board