Employees of the DeSoto Parish School Board shall maintain a professional, ethical and moral relationship with students at all times.  No employee may engage in inappropriate conduct with a student at any time, including dating, other romantic involvement, or any conduct of a sexual nature.  This prohibition includes any action or conduct communicated or performed in person, in writing, or electronically through such means as a telephone, cell phone, computer, Blackberry, or other telecommunication devise, and includes text messaging and instant messaging (Refer to GAMIA, Electronic Communications Between Employees and Students).  Any such conduct shall be considered a violation of this policy and may subject the employee to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from employment with the DeSoto Parish School System, as recommended by the Superintendent.


New policy:  March, 2010



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ยง17:81

Board minutes, 3-2-10


DeSoto Parish School Board